Saturday, August 21, 2004

The Massey College Plaza.

The Massey Clock Tower.

North by Northwest.

The western face of Robart's Library (insert the Imperial march music here).

These cranes are fun to watch.

Eastern View (Toronto's commercial banks).

Can you find the Mountie?

Brunch inside the CN Tower (that's lake Ontario and the Toronto islands in the bright background).

The World's Largest Free-Standing Phallus: The CN Tower.

Monday, August 02, 2004

Lower Yosemite Falls.

Nick shits a brick.

Tah-dah, YEAH!

lost in Yosemite.

straight-man, funny-man.

good morning.

Dan's gourmet campsite creations.

I'll never have an album, but I will have a white trash album cover.